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Gettin Personal & Sexy
So I wanna keep it real.
I feel like talking about sex kinda!
Since I don't have any, I find it very interesting to talk about it. Many of my friends are very advanced with their sexual activity and its pretty dope to talk about it. They have done some crazy things and as a virgin I like to hear about it. Sex is bomb as hell because I like masturbation and if thats the business, Sex gotta be crackin. I crave for a real hard 2 minute orgasm.
Unfortunately, I am about to turn 21 and still haven't been able to sink my feet in the wet carpet. The reason i say unfortunately because I want the impossible which is a freaky azz sex life with someone I am truly spiritually and passionately in love with. I am picky with people, like honestly the only people I am beginning to like is only the people I organize with and most of them are the womyn :)
Anyways a lot of people look at me crazy because I am a virgin. Like you know its cute when you in high school and middle school but not when you in college. I am probably not getting married I ain't waiting for marriage. I believe in test driving the car before you buy anyways. I tried having sex with someone I liked but didnt love and it did not work out at ALL. When I was with this person, it made me realize how bomb it would this be if this was with someone I was fucking crazy over. I want somebody that knew everything I liked, disliked, could guess what I was feeling and if he didnt know would always ask and make sure I felt safe, comfortable, and like a human because he loved me.
A huge issue I have with men is the simple fact that 1. they do not treat me or consider me a human. They have had absolutely no problem telling me I am some potential ass, no problem not ever offering to pay for me, take me on dates, etc. My relationships have ranged from lasting for less than 24 hours to 2 weeks because they show those true colors quickly. I get hella turned off and I do not want to sleep with them.
I am not angry at the men anymore. For a very long time I was because the hatred towards me & other womyn I loved was so intense even from men in my family as well. It was difficult to understand they are following these bullshit standards of manhood. Womyn are objects that need to be conquered, protected, their unlimited and I "can fuck every girl in the world" attitude. MM this sounds like capitalism to me (yea i said it)!!!
Fuck the system that enforces these standards on my fly brothas.
Some common traits I noticed both with men I have come across and capitalism is this
They are both materialistic
They both exploit
They both are individualistic
They both need more and more and cannot please them unless you do everything they say!
They both need you to survive
They both have a powerful way of persuading you that they are good for you when they are NOT!
So honestly it is hard to lay up with a product of capitalism!
It is hard to lay up with someone who's mentality has been consumed by this system which is barbaric, individualistic, racist, sexist, classiest, alienating, homophobic, and exploitative. It again reminds me why the system needs to be destroyed and manhood needs to be redefined. Some Womyn have accepted this form of manhood and expect it in them. Its time to put in work.
Now this is just how I personally feel for my situation because I got mad love fa my sistahs and brothas that are doing they thang!
Sex is fun especially when it is safe. But for me I think I am good with my virginity for now until I find my love that is a working progress like me.
On a fun note here are some positions/locations I would like to try
1. doggy style
2. cow girl
Hambani kahle
I love that you have the poet "i" on your cute pink ipod! I love her so much, she is pure magical genius. She is also the sweetest, silliest, strongest, womyn I know. Let's go to slams together, I don't go to enough. Miss you love you.