Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm Bringing Nappy Back !!!

"Before a black child is born, many wonder what will he or she look like whether it is their eyes, nose, skin color, and especially their hair texture.

Before a black child is born, their family already judges their appearance especially when it comes to their hair." Unknown

The dreadful hair topic !! Movies & shows discuss black hair. Books, articles, etc. have talked about black hair. MY TURN!!! Other people look at hair as something that is normal mostly womyn have it straight, wavy, curly, but in the case of Black womyn it is thick, nappy, kinky, whateva you wanna call it, it is different from other types of hair. The black womyn that can fall into the category of having straight or curly hair are praised or ridiculed for their hair.

With white supremacy on the loose & lack of products and education on black hair, it is no wonder and question why the weave, perms, pressing comb, hair grease, gel, etc. are in most Black homes.

I usually avoid this discussion with Black womyn because they honestly feel that straight hair is their only option. Even with them completely aware of the reason for these standards, they still do it and never consider the options of natural styles. It is clearly obvious why because once most black girls enter school and start associating with other children, the teasing begins. They will make you feel like shit about your hair if it does not have a certain length and texture. Girls beg their parents to straighten it or perm it because in order to fit in not because of their own choice. A lot of womyn will claim "I don't hate myself" and they want their hair like that but if you ever catch some Black womyn with her hair natural, they will freak out and talk hella shit about their own hair when it is not processed. Is this not hate for yourself? I think it is when you refer to your hair as a bitch, a hot mess, unmanageable, etc. This is what I have heard from a few womyn and do not feel good about themselves unless their hair is processed.

I made the realization fully after my senior year that my hair cannot be straight at all. If you cannot run a regular comb through your hair and it does not become straight, its not meant to be then. When I pressed my hair consistently, it broke off. After prom and the removal of a mistake of a weave, my hair lady cut all of my hair short evenly. People have expressed hardcore how I am way more attractive with a weave or pressed hair. I had a huge problem with this obviously because it was clear my beauty was not valid unless I appealed to a mainstream racist oppressive limited view of hair beauty. Now I understand why Black womyn pursue these standards because you were raised on it, you want to fit in, you think it is beautiful and natural hair doesn't work for you, whatever the reason they have, I do challenge to try the natural hair route.

The very few beautiful things about the internet is now you can look up how to take care of natural hair. Just like when you grew up and said, "Hm let me try pressing my hair or getting a weave." I would recommend trying out some natural styles. So many Black womyn have posted blogs, youtube tutorials, websites, etc. have offered great products and techniques when caring for your hair naturally. When I discovered a few of these videos it made me extremely happy about my hair. Since I did not know how to care for my hair in a fro, I just kept them in braids. This semester is the longest I kept my hair in a fro. I bought some amazing straight up raw products like shea butter, vegetable glycern, & some organic shampoo and conditioner. It was amazing.

I got a lot of love and a lot of hate for the new do but either way it was all me. Many Black men that would usually notice me never looked my way. Many made fun of the fact that I had a straight bang and and the rest of my hair was natural. It is interesting to see people's reaction over a Black womyn's hair. Everyone thought I cut my hair because I wear braids all the time. People told me I need to comb my hair. People told me my hair was soft and I look beautiful. Of course my lovely revolutionary buddies LOVED it :) and some other dope ppl too but it was a big deal to a lot of people. This is an example of why I think Black Womyn should try the natural hair route. See the reactions and learn how to embrace your true hair. Even if you try out some natural styles that is even a big step and transition, believe it or not braids, locs, and twists are looked at negatively even though they are hella BOMB. What I love about a black womyn's hair is the fact they can do almost anything with it straight, curly, fro, twists, braids, locs, bald, plates, etc. I understand that is difficult because maybe you processed your hair out but trust you can get that nappy back. So to conclude here are some dope naturally beautiful sistahs video blogs about none other than BLACK hair.


Stolen Kiss

You stole my first kiss
Na it wasn’t no accident or a miss
It was my first kiss my own form of virginity
See because when my grandfather molested me
When the older boy next door took too much notice of me
When I got humped or felt up by this sucka over here and there
You just like all of them took me down
And pushed your thick lips …all over this
And all I could think about was DAMN
I should of kissed that cute guy at the movies instead of holding out for MR. Right
But is that right
Na that’s wrong
But ya grip was way too strong
And I thought you were going to rape me
When you slid ya hand under my shirt and on top of me
Where is my roommate when I need her
Damn I’m glad I don’t have on a skirt
I figured if I just kissed you and got it over with
You would get off me
And stop making me feel like a piece of shit
But I was wrong
And ya grip became strong
Stronger…my self control just stopped
At this point I needed you to stop
You were going to finish up my biggest fear
Tried to get in between my legs
With my shirt rolled up…Please stop pushing me to the edge
Your salvia left all over my lips
And quickly you grab my hips
Acting like were the cutest couple
When all I thought was that you were big trouble
You did everything a man shouldn’t do
I mean a man should do
You wanted to take me out, treat me right, be my boo
Wait but what about respect
I wanted respect and that’s suppose to be automatic last time I checked
You told me you could have raped me if you wanted to
WHoaa…theres a sigh of relief now I should trust you
Im only 19 and you call me from jail
WTF you callin for, do you want bail?
Look I just started my first year in college
And fa real though the calls from ya momma needa stop it
Just don’t ever call me and stop acting like you care
We are not together and have nothing to share
You want to be my friend and act like you know me
But the truth is I want you out of my life, so don’t get crazy
But how can you love a man that wont respect you
How can you love a man that always forgets you
How can love a man that wants to be ya lover first and not even ya friend ?
Like foreal though this just got to end
Bc I want real love not this bullshit
Why did you think I waited so long for my first kiss?
But you didn’t care all you cared about was to rule and conquer
And you held me up like a croked officer
You keep calling my phone calling it to this day
And I press ignore and delete yo ass on the way
You see fuck him because I wanna brother that is real
Not the one that just likes to feel
But feel whats in my heart for a start
A man that’s sweetier than candy but wont give me any because he says he doesn’t want anything to ruine this beautiful smile
A guy that knows that money does not please me
Rather you writing poem about me teases me
Because I love a passionate brother
That is smart thinks with his heart
And doesn’t mind being silly with me because when were in the grocery store, hell push me in the cart
A guy with ears like a elephant
Who wont even flinch to my loud mouth and tells me I speak with elegance
A guy that makes you smile for no reason at all
Like you will drop everybodies except his call
A man that says there is nothing more wonderful than this
Him holding me and waiting for that kiss
Because he will wait when I am ready
And well act like were in middle school and take it steady
A man that doesn’t mind helping you with that exam
Helping you to make plans
Helping grease ya scalp
Ya ladies know what Im talking about
A man that will kiss my forehead before he kisses my cheek
Then holds me close and will not speak
Because he knows what I have been through
And he’s says Babe let me show you
That I can be the man you want me to be
All you have to do is trust in me
It might not seem romantic but I think it works, why don’t you ask your partner can I kiss you first ?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Gettin Personal & Sexy

So I wanna keep it real.

I feel like talking about sex kinda!
Since I don't have any, I find it very interesting to talk about it. Many of my friends are very advanced with their sexual activity and its pretty dope to talk about it. They have done some crazy things and as a virgin I like to hear about it. Sex is bomb as hell because I like masturbation and if thats the business, Sex gotta be crackin. I crave for a real hard 2 minute orgasm.

Unfortunately, I am about to turn 21 and still haven't been able to sink my feet in the wet carpet. The reason i say unfortunately because I want the impossible which is a freaky azz sex life with someone I am truly spiritually and passionately in love with. I am picky with people, like honestly the only people I am beginning to like is only the people I organize with and most of them are the womyn :)

Anyways a lot of people look at me crazy because I am a virgin. Like you know its cute when you in high school and middle school but not when you in college. I am probably not getting married I ain't waiting for marriage. I believe in test driving the car before you buy anyways. I tried having sex with someone I liked but didnt love and it did not work out at ALL. When I was with this person, it made me realize how bomb it would this be if this was with someone I was fucking crazy over. I want somebody that knew everything I liked, disliked, could guess what I was feeling and if he didnt know would always ask and make sure I felt safe, comfortable, and like a human because he loved me.

A huge issue I have with men is the simple fact that 1. they do not treat me or consider me a human. They have had absolutely no problem telling me I am some potential ass, no problem not ever offering to pay for me, take me on dates, etc. My relationships have ranged from lasting for less than 24 hours to 2 weeks because they show those true colors quickly. I get hella turned off and I do not want to sleep with them.

I am not angry at the men anymore. For a very long time I was because the hatred towards me & other womyn I loved was so intense even from men in my family as well. It was difficult to understand they are following these bullshit standards of manhood. Womyn are objects that need to be conquered, protected, their unlimited and I "can fuck every girl in the world" attitude. MM this sounds like capitalism to me (yea i said it)!!!
Fuck the system that enforces these standards on my fly brothas.
Some common traits I noticed both with men I have come across and capitalism is this

They are both materialistic
They both exploit
They both are individualistic
They both need more and more and cannot please them unless you do everything they say!
They both need you to survive
They both have a powerful way of persuading you that they are good for you when they are NOT!

So honestly it is hard to lay up with a product of capitalism!
It is hard to lay up with someone who's mentality has been consumed by this system which is barbaric, individualistic, racist, sexist, classiest, alienating, homophobic, and exploitative. It again reminds me why the system needs to be destroyed and manhood needs to be redefined. Some Womyn have accepted this form of manhood and expect it in them. Its time to put in work.

Now this is just how I personally feel for my situation because I got mad love fa my sistahs and brothas that are doing they thang!
Sex is fun especially when it is safe. But for me I think I am good with my virginity for now until I find my love that is a working progress like me.

On a fun note here are some positions/locations I would like to try
1. doggy style
2. cow girl

Hambani kahle

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why Blog?

Some friends suggested I write down my

thoughts about struggle, about politics,

about the real reasons we are resisting


mobilizing. My husband been told me to

write blogs about current social issues I

get very annoyed with but I never did.

I will not lie, sometimes I get annoyed

with what other people think because

when they argue back with you, they just

sound petty and stupid and I just don't give

a fuck after that because I know they are

wrong. I have respect for people that argue back respectfully with

back up of what they are saying.

This is problematic because if I am trying to be an organizer, 95% of

the work I put in is debating to people the politics and why the fuck

we spend our time organizing, reading, etc. This is critical because we

have to be on point when trying to convince folks to resist and


So I will begin to post how I feel and I will welcome criticism and I am

reading way more now. This will make me stronger as an organizer.

Two people that have truly opened my eyes to becoming more

political and conscious is the sistah on the 5th floor & my husband.

5th floor sistah reads with me and literally forces me to think and

relate it to our struggles. The greatest feelings I have is when I am

reading and learning. Education is power more powerful than a gun,

money, whateva. I feel spirit in certain things I read especially with

bios. I love when politics can get personal because you can relate that

and expand it to seeing the broader picture of things. Now I am getting

into the theory a little bit more.

My husband has always encouraged me to write about issues I always

complain about, so I am going to do that as well here.

I am really excited because there is so much I have to say and I

usually only talk to people I know about it, it will be interesting to see

what class mates, strangers, random people I probably do not talk to

have to say.

I named this Blog sistah against the system because I hate it and I’m a

sistah. Catchy right ?

I do not think you should hate anything except this system because is

corrupt, barbaric, terrorist, and every word other that defines

FUCKED UP. It is designed to destroy you. People here are products

of this system that promotes the exploitation of people from all stand

points with gender, race, and class.

It is true reform does not work because you have people in it trying to

change it but how can you change something that was built off of

corruption. When you enter something corrupt you as an individual

cannot change it because capitalism has grown very quickly

worldwide as this big nasty monster that needs to be killed. You can't

work with the monster to resolve some issues you have with it. You

have to kill it! It has decades of experience from exploiting people

after people after people which is mostly people of color.

Also, I feel as a BLACK WOMYN!!! No black people were involved

in the developing the constitution or the declaration of independence

because they were enslaved!! No womyn were involved in developing

it. How the fuck can I expect to call myself an American if my own

people weren’t even involved in developing this so-called perfect

union. Matter fact the land is stolen in general so this whole America

thing needs to be destroyed because it is stolen land of some of the

greatest richest people.

So I decided fairly recently that I am against this system and it needs

to be abolished, overthrown, destroyed, killed, DIE NOW. That is the

only violence I will fully advocate because I sure as hell don’t

advocate that fucked up as war where those same words of action are

used on innocent people.

So stay tuned & I welcome your criticism but let’s make it respectful

and constructive but if you don’t, it’s all about living and learning and

debating. J
